Have noticed a bunch o' whining in the world the last week...both mechanical and human. Servers crashing, legit email being lassoed for spam relay. Machines are fussing. So are humans. Overheard a teenager lambasting her exhausted mother in the grocery store the other day, proclaiming in a whine from a not-so-deep-dark-cellar that some fancy shirt was required to make life perfect, and her young life would simply be unbearable without it.
How many times have we yearned for something or someone, only to get it or him or her. And then we don't want it or him or her. 'Cause we find that it really doesn't solve the problem that can't be solved.
That nothing is perfect in this world.
Being imperfect isn't the question. We all are.
Being unhappy because we are imperfect resonates on this earth. Imperfection is part of our being. It's a thread woven deeply into our DNA. Acceptance of this fact is difficult for humans. That's why there is such debt, so much divorce, so much unhappiness about.
Understanding and accepting we are imperfect brings incredible relief.
It doesn't mean we give up. On the contrary. It just means we can catch a hint of the quality that is possible in all of us, blemishes and all. That we can create a life that is careless about fate.
Today, on a drive out to civilization along a country road, I saw a woman in a motorized wheelchair cruisin' along the other side of the street. Her cart was decked out with flags and all sorts of signs to warn other motorists that she too, was out and about, in all her imperfection.