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Toni Arrington

Hi Mary,

If you haven't published professionally already, you need to. I so enjoy your column. Thanks for sharing it with the world.

Keep smiling,

Douglas C. Hoyt

Here we are in another Mothers’ Day. Don’t we love our mothers? Well no, I had issues with mine. She was an overbearing wench who murdered my father. I am supposed to feel warm and fuzzy toward the myth of mothers? Yes, but the reality is much different than the myth.

The modern origins of Mothers Day is from Julia Ward Howe who conceived it as an anti war day during the American civil war. But the conditioners of our nation turned it into a commercial holiday to buy flowers, gifts and bestow other emoluments upon breeding women. Our thoughtful leaders turn a buck or two, and product more cannon fodder while promoting our national myth, all through the loving loins of manipulative mothers.

The Norman Rockwell Mothers Day never existed, nor could it. Mothers hold the corporate family together. Portly women scurrying around a kitchen in aprons baking cookies, or bandaging our wounds, or caring for us when sick, is the big lie. This domestic fantasy is only biology in this culture. We are taught the primary lessons by these shrews. Our place is marked for us through their actions, words, and discipline. Our worldview is mapped for us with the kindest manipulations. But to what end?

If we accept the truth, mothers prepare us for our roles as corporate animals to work, maintain and sacrifice for the hierarchy. Mother makes us the killers (for and against society), they prepare us to put the leadership before our own interests, and they hold us hostage to myths, such as god, nationhood, and love.
They suppress the natural inclination toward personal autonomy, the desire to discover, the needs of our biology, and the true love of this life, our reality. Mothers tame our id, and prepare us for our place in society. Indeed, American mothers, your children are murdering other innocent children now in Iraq. This is your job; you have done it well. If anything should be honored on this day, it is your training to murder others, destroy the earth, and plunder the resources of this planet for the benefit of our self-selected group. Congratulations!

Don’t most of us understand that love is really manipulative, possessive and cruel? There is no altruism within our love; it is very selfish. Mothers indeed know little of self-actualization, but much of conformity. It is all a lie, mothers love.

We should not celebrate mothers, but those women who reject the sexual, spiritual, and national myth of Mothers Day. Return to the true origins of Mothers Day and make it a time to promote peace and harmony. As Julia Ward Howe wrote, remember her words:

“From the voice of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with
Our own. It says: "Disarm! Disarm!
The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."
Blood does not wipe our dishonor,
Nor violence indicates possession.
As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil at the summons of war,
Let women now leave all that may be left of home
For a great and earnest day of counsel.
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.
Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means
Whereby the great human family can live in peace...”


Ford Ranger Forum

Amazing writing

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