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Mary, that book was on Steve's bookshelf, and I always wanted to read it, but didn't...it moved out with him, but perhaps I'll go track down a copy. However, as one who drinks Diet Coke with french fries, I can attest it's for the taste -- I can't stand the taste of Coke!

As for life's great mysteries, I don't even know where to begin...may have to get back to you on that one. There are so many that I barely know where to start!


Hiya Genie. Hope you can find a copy of McCarthy's Bar. It's a wonderful read. Yet, come to find out, we have lost the author. Pete McCarthy is no longer with us. http://www.uktouring.org.uk/petemccarthy/index.html But he left us more books to read about his travels. Peace, Pete. Stay well, Ms. Genie. - Mary

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