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Maryann Frank

How sweet, Mary....your book is done? I must read it...


Hey Cuz...will be published and available end of June 2011. Will keep you posted...


How beautiful...thanks. Yeah!!!!!! Your book I can't wait...

Craig Johnsen

And please keep us posted as well, Mary. I have little doubt that it is going to be one of those treasures that we will willingly haul with us in our wanderings.

Craig (and Vicky)


Hi Gail...yes, the book! Finally, eh? Hope all is swell there.


Hi Craig and Vicky...will do! Thanks for all the kudos you both always send my way. I am so lucky.

Medieval Clothes

Some browser problem here...any link to your book?


Hi Medieval Clothes: Book will be available end of June 2011. Will post link then. Thanks for stopping by.

Mike Smith

I can hardly wait for 1 May now - more of Mary's writing to read. Hooray!


Oh my gosh, Mary...the sweetest part of this post was the publication date. So exciting!


Where I can buy this book?

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